Karen Harradine
May 30, 2018
The real danger is not Tommy Robinson, but the Left, radical Islam and socialism
Tommy Robinson is not my cup of tea. But I don’t dismiss the fact that he is a beacon of hope in a country that increasingly resembles a dys
Jules Gomes
Apr 8, 2018
Prager's Rational Bible – inspiration sprinkled with gold dust
I was not expecting a miracle on Easter Monday. Certainly not in the fluky world of publishing! If you’d told me that a Bible commentary wri
Jules Gomes
Feb 18, 2018
Lack of individual morality – the deadly rot at the core of the charity sector
Something is rotten in the state of the charity sector. The carcasses of sex, money and power are piling up in the meat freezers of Oxfam an
Jules Gomes
Dec 10, 2017
Trump’s courage will live on in Jewish history
The so-called scientific West now concedes the world is flat because Muslims are insisting that the world is flat. President Donald Trump ha
Jules Gomes
Jul 14, 2017
Bishop of London must not be Juggler of Words lacking Integrity and Truth
Is David Ison, Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, angling for the top job in the Diocese of London? Will he be a worthy successor to ‘he of the so