Niall McCrae
May 29, 2018
The strange death of British humour
We have banished traditional British humour and are heading towards an Orwellian dystopia, where humour cannot express ‘wrong-think’.
Jules Gomes
Feb 21, 2018
A senior Catholic cleric blessing abortion? Who’d bet on that?
Monsignor John Devine, head honcho of the Roman Catholic Church on the Isle of Man says, ‘People who have abortions are not murderers and ar
Jules Gomes
Dec 9, 2017
Where Mishal’s Magical Muslim Mystery Tour didn’t go
Why not drop in for a cuppa with the sect that says shed blood for Allah?
Jules Gomes
Oct 8, 2017
Why can’t a Welby be more like a man?
Scientists are studying this outlandish space alien from the planet of Yabadabadoo known as a Welby. This remarkable creature has been putti
Jules Gomes
Aug 16, 2017
Our most vulnerable girls pay sorely for our surrender to the Islamists
It is rape of the innocents on an industrial scale. The major factor uniting the rapists is their religion. The major factors common to the