Jules Gomes
Sep 30, 2019
Bishops in Bully Pulpit: Get Naked in Cathedrals but Mind your Language in Parliament
The chowderheaded clergy running Southwark Cathedral didn’t seem to notice that the fashion show was also the very antithesis of their own g
Jules Gomes
Sep 13, 2019
Justin Welby apologises for Amritsar but cites non-existent convention to justify bishops’ silence on abortion.
Rodney Hearth
Aug 31, 2019
“Bishops have blood on their hands” Rebel Priest tells AirTV International
Rodney Hearth from AirTV International interviews Dr Jules Gomes on the recent scandals in the Church of England.
Jules Gomes
Aug 29, 2019
Pharaoh Justin Welby is bent on buggering up Brexit
The Archbishop of Canterbury, a fawning Europhile and fervid Remainer, is plotting feverishly to subvert Brexit and veto the democratic will
Will Jones
Aug 12, 2019
‘End of nations’ globaloney is Marxist mythology, not biblical theology
Nation appears no fewer than 23 times in Revelation, suggesting a permanence of nationhood in God’s plan for humanity.