Jules Gomes
Sep 14, 2018
The religion of socialism is the opium of the elitist Archbishop Justin Welby
Justin Welby spent this week cuddling up to Britain’s trade unions with emetic chumminess, exposing himself as a full Monty socialist.
Jules Gomes
Sep 11, 2018
All Jayne Ozanne needs is “Just Love” and the gospel of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism
In sheer literary terms, Jayne Ozanne’s autobiography is an unqualified success. In theological terms, it is a car crash.
Jules Gomes
Sep 8, 2018
Archbishop Justin Welby, three chords, and the truth about the economy
Welby’s bugbear is not poverty; it’s inequality. He doesn’t love the poor as much as he hates the rich. It’s not that Britain’s poor have to
Jules Gomes
Aug 23, 2018
US Church homosexual priests scandal is a sequel to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah
The parallels with the archetypal story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the hegemony of the homosexual Mafia are perilously close to the situation
Jules Gomes
Aug 17, 2018
Video: How feminist “Dambusters” destroyed the Church of England
The video recording of Dr Jules Gomes’ lecture at the Fourth International Conference on Men’s Issues held at the Excel Conference Centre, C