Jules Gomes
Feb 4, 2018
The Bridge on the River Chaos
Last Thursday our very own ‘Rebel Priest’, the Rev Dr Jules Gomes, delivered the keynote speech on behalf of the George Bell Group at Church
Jules Gomes
Jan 28, 2018
Deluded beyond belief – why Welby can’t say sorry over Bishop Bell
Welby’s Taliban-like intransigence has alienated even his loyal fans. Why is the Archbishop refusing to apologise for the most monumental co
Jules Gomes
Jan 14, 2018
Onward gay-sex missionaries, marching carefully around Islamic hotspots
Ten white Anglicans out to save the world! But we don’t see any campaigning against female genital mutilation, or ISIS throwing gay men off
Jules Gomes
Dec 31, 2017
Magician Mullally and the English rope trick
Mullally’s deadliest spell was reserved for evangelicals like William Taylor, Vicar of St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate. Her English rope
Jules Gomes
Dec 19, 2017
Safe Space Sarah, the box-ticking Bishopette of Londonistan
The new bishopette of London doesn’t have the foggiest idea about the gospel. Her episcopal raison d’être is ‘safeguarding’, not the salvati