Jules Gomes
Jan 4, 2019
Roger Scruton makes conservatism intelligent again
Conservatism’s star philosopher traces our intellectual heritage.
Jules Gomes
Dec 14, 2018
Amazing Appeasement, how sweet the sound, that saved an evangelical wretch like me!
Archbishop Justin Welby called for “good disagreement”. Conservative evangelicals are now offering him “good appeasement” on a silver platte
Jules Gomes
Dec 11, 2018
Church of England crosses red line as it blesses “genital mutilation”
Conservatives in the Church of England have expressed outrage after bishops have authorised a baptismal-style liturgy claiming it is ‘rooted
Andrew Tettenborn
Sep 17, 2018
EU to Romania: How dare you say marriage is only between man and woman!
There is no European human right to a gay marriage, even in the bloated conception of human rights now espoused by the European Court of Hum
Jules Gomes
Aug 13, 2018
Burqa-loving Theresa May is a slave to Salafist Islam
Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May is no friend of conservative Christianity. When it comes to Islam, May flip-flops from liberalism to