Niall McCrae
May 30, 2018
Tommy Robinson and junta-style justice in Orwellian England
Tommy Robinson is being punished for stirring the downtrodden class from apathy. It really is one rule for toffs and another for peasants.
Niall McCrae
May 29, 2018
The strange death of British humour
We have banished traditional British humour and are heading towards an Orwellian dystopia, where humour cannot express ‘wrong-think’.
Jules Gomes
May 27, 2018
The Battle of the Bloggers’ Bulge
Rod Liddle went for Michael Curry’s royal wedding sermon like a hawk swooping down on an unsuspecting mouse.
Jules Gomes
May 25, 2018
Why nothing irks a Leftie like a referendum
Direct democracy to a progressive is as embarrassing, messy, and torturous as is a colonoscopy to a chronic sufferer of haemorrhoids.
Jules Gomes
May 21, 2018
How a bad Curry gave the royal wedding a spiritual indigestion
How did the media miss the biggest religion story of the decade? In a masterstroke worthy of the serpentine cunning of Niccolò Machiavelli,