Jules Gomes
Jun 18, 2019
Cardinal Napier has slammed a British newspaper for reviving the spirit of Hitler and Stalin, as abortions reach the highest level ever in E
Will Jones
Jun 17, 2019
0.00 scientific basis for gender fluidity, says noted paediatrician
Without medical intervention 90 per cent males experiencing gender incongruence will realign their gender identity to their sex by the time
Jules Gomes
Jun 11, 2019
Catholic politician attacked for saying science may cure homosexuality
“I believe in issues of conscience. I believe it very strongly. I will take no stand on this whatsoever. Tolerance needs to be a two-way str
Jules Gomes
May 30, 2019
Ireland abortion raises questions about inaccuracy of prenatal testing
The case of an Irish baby who was aborted after being diagnosed with Edwards’ syndrome raises ethical and medical questions about non-invasi
Andrew Tettenborn
May 30, 2019
Black is White when it comes to LGBT sex education, says Equality tsar
Asking a teacher to teach Islam and then to say that a family with two mothers is just as worthy as one with a father and a mother is double