Jules Gomes
Jan 11, 2019
Is John Finnis the bravest don in Oxford?
Catholic professor stands against academic bullying for his writings on sexual morality and is vindicated.
Jules Gomes
Jan 7, 2019
Abortion is a no-go area for Church of England’s flagship conservative evangelical church
St Helen’s Bishopsgate stubbornly refuses to engage with pro-life issues even after it is confronted with the slaughter of babies on its doo
Jules Gomes
Dec 30, 2018
Syria was never a Just War
The West should fight wars based on the principles of Augustine, not Mohammed. There are no good guys in an Islamic civil war.
Jules Gomes
Dec 18, 2018
Anglican bishop who blesses abortion and gay sex gets top job in Rome
Is Bishop Burrows’ appointment a disastrous blunder or a calculated move on the part of Anglican authorities to push a progressive agenda in
Jules Gomes
Dec 16, 2018
Anglican bishop who hailed transgender rite as biblical calls it flawed in shambolic U-turn
Four days after commending the Church of England’s transgender liturgy as “rooted in scripture,” an evangelical bishop is now calling it an