Jules Gomes
Feb 21, 2018
A senior Catholic cleric blessing abortion? Who’d bet on that?
Monsignor John Devine, head honcho of the Roman Catholic Church on the Isle of Man says, ‘People who have abortions are not murderers and ar
Jules Gomes
Feb 18, 2018
Lack of individual morality – the deadly rot at the core of the charity sector
Something is rotten in the state of the charity sector. The carcasses of sex, money and power are piling up in the meat freezers of Oxfam an
Jules Gomes
Feb 11, 2018
How can feminists condone this massacre of unborn girls?
Our bra-burning and pussy-hat-wearing feminists have said not a word in defence of the unborn girl-child. As a feminist, do you want to save
Jules Gomes
Jan 25, 2018
David v Goliath 2018 – how Professor P brought Leftie Cathy crashing to earth
When Channel 4 invited Professor Jordan Peterson to be pulverised by the mythical might of its star presenter Cathy Newman, it was re-enacti
Jules Gomes
Jan 21, 2018
Smoking is evil; murdering babies is fine
To see, or not to see, that is the question. Every major social reform movement in history has used images to expose the evil it is fighting