Andrew Tettenborn
Sep 22, 2019
The hate crime noose is tightening. Speak up or suffocate!
Essentially the argument is that anti-religious speech is just as bad as blatantly racist speech and needs to be suppressed to the same exte
Jules Gomes
Sep 17, 2019
I would say there is a very toxic atmosphere for Christians in parliament and in politics in general across all parties.
Jules Gomes
Sep 14, 2019
Free Speech Is Dying In Britain. Here’s Why the US Has Kept It
Give me liberty or give me death? No, we’re British! We prefer freebies to freedom.
Jules Gomes
Sep 12, 2019
Victoria passes law forcing confessors to report child abuse
Leftwing politicians in Australia have enacted a law that is “alarming and unenforceable and put forward as gesture politics.”
Rodney Hearth
Aug 31, 2019
“Bishops have blood on their hands” Rebel Priest tells AirTV International
Rodney Hearth from AirTV International interviews Dr Jules Gomes on the recent scandals in the Church of England.