Andrew Tettenborn
Apr 2, 2019
Thou shalt not debate the morality of homosexuality on BBC Question Time
That those with close connections to the BBC, should seek to put off-limits the discussion of issues of concern to large numbers of people i
Jules Gomes
Mar 31, 2019
Archbishop Justin Welby backs state enforced LGBT Relationships and Sex Education
Archbishop Welby is the type of person of whom Jesus warns “it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck,” say
Jules Gomes
Mar 28, 2019
LGBT education in schools aims to destroy families and stop Muslims from multiplying
How can progressives and secularists vanquish Islam without being called Islamophobic? The answer is a form of neo-eugenics through LGBT+ se
Jules Gomes
Mar 23, 2019
Archbishop Welby’s charge of Church colluding with colonialism is grievance gibberish
Justin Welby’s grasp of colonial history and post-colonial diaspora in Britain is as prodigious as Jamie Oliver’s knowledge of string theory
Will Jones
Mar 22, 2019
Why banning “conversion therapy” is more dangerous than you think
Here are three reasons why we should be concerned about the government’s attempt to ban “conversion therapy.”