Jules Gomes
Sep 23, 2019
Archbishop Justin Welby’s Amritsar apology was aimed at appeasing British Hindus
The Global Hindu Federation demanded Anglican repentance for “the Church’s colonialist ‘methodology’” compelling Welby to apologise at Jalli
Jules Gomes
Sep 20, 2019
Indian MP mocks Archbishop Justin Welby’s Amritsar apology as “self-flagellation”
Almost none of the mainstream Indian newspapers thought the Archbishop’s dramatic genuflection all that newsworthy.
Jules Gomes
Sep 19, 2019
Bishop dons Hindu robes for Mass before ritual genitalia of pagan gods
Catholic church has tabernacle in the form of the phallus of a Hindu deity.
Jules Gomes
Sep 9, 2019
Indian scientist demolishes Archbishop Welby’s climate alarmism as ‘disastrous’ for India’s poor
An Indian climate scientist is calling the Archbishop of Canterbury’s lecture on climate change “dangerous and perilous to the people of Ind
Jules Gomes
Sep 5, 2019
Archbishop Welby pontificates on climate change, but clams up on persecution of Christians in India
The silence of the English shepherd on the slaughter of the Indian lambs.