Jules Gomes
Feb 8, 2018
Islamic conquest of prison chaplaincy gives pastoral care the death sentence
Islam is taking over prisons. The statutory presence of the CofE in prisons should give it a voice on issues of imprisonment, but it remains
Jules Gomes
Oct 29, 2017
In defence of offensiveness
‘Your god has gone for a shit!’ In our age of sanctimonious civility, no religious leader would dare to deploy this polemical barb in interf
Jules Gomes
Apr 30, 2017
Pope Francis must resist surrendering to radical Islam
Pope Francis must not give into the fourth temptation to be nice and adopt the Church of England’s model of interfaith dialogue set by Micha
Jules Gomes
Jan 22, 2017
The Interfaith Elephant in Gloucester Cathedral
An enormous elephant has occupied Gloucester Cathedral. It squats in the nave waving its trunk between the transepts. When prodded by the ve
Jules Gomes
Jan 17, 2017
Readings from the Koran have no place in a Christian church
What do you say to Christians who are dying for their faith in the Muslim world, when the Provost of St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow, has a