Jules Gomes
Jun 8, 2020
Charge of the Barbarian Bishops Brigade
Prelates who don't fight evil are doomed to fight unicorns in pyjamas.
Jules Gomes
May 30, 2020
Catholic Unscripted: Muslim Converts Unmask Pope's Abu Dhabi 'Deception'
A network of Muslim converts, who face the death penalty for apostasy from Islam, are denouncing the Abu Dhabi declaration as a "decept
Jules Gomes
May 26, 2020
Francis Spins a Whale of a Tale
Pope distorts Jonah to prop up pan-religious prayer.
Jules Gomes
May 5, 2020
Romping on Rome's Interfaith Elephant
Vatican's pluralism insults all religions.
Jules Gomes
Apr 25, 2020
Catholic Unscripted: "No Appeasement"
Dr. Jules Gomes joined Dr. Gavin Ashenden for the second edition of Catholic Unscripted, hosted by Rodney Hearth on A1R TV International.