Jules Gomes
Aug 2, 2018
Britain won’t outlaw caste-based racism because it might offend Hindus
India is the most racist country in the world. When I immigrated to Britain, I thought I had left behind the hyper-racism of India’s caste s
Niall McCrae
Jul 27, 2018
Bitching feminists launch witch-hunts when men ask for equal rights
Feminists are aghast when men claim victimhood. But male inequality is not a myth. It is a scientifically verifiable fact.
Jules Gomes
Jul 24, 2018
How feminist “Dambusters” destroyed the Church of England beyond repair
The goal of third-wave feminism was not equality of men and women. It was the overthrow of the God of the Bible and the destruction of the t
Jules Gomes
Jul 16, 2018
The Parable of the Good Samaritan according to Archbishop Justin Welby
On one occasion a member of the mainstream media stood up at a press conference to test Archbishop Justin Welby. “Your Grace,” he asked, “wh
Jules Gomes
Jul 14, 2018
Donald Trump’s chutzpah crushes traitor Theresa May’s fake diplomacy
President Donald Trump has demonstrated chutzpah like no other leader in contemporary US and world politics. The problem with today’s Wester