Jules Gomes
Aug 16, 2017
Our most vulnerable girls pay sorely for our surrender to the Islamists
It is rape of the innocents on an industrial scale. The major factor uniting the rapists is their religion. The major factors common to the
Jules Gomes
May 6, 2017
Welby should check his facts before uttering inanities
Jews are not a race! Hasn’t Welby read his Old Testament? Anti-Semitism is not ethnic or racial prejudice, though it obviously shares certai
Jules Gomes
Feb 5, 2017
Christian shepherds side with the Islamist wolf
Civil war has erupted in the church. This time it is not over women’s ordination or same-sex marriage but over the immigration of Muslims to
Jules Gomes
Feb 3, 2017
Trump is entitled to protect persecuted Christian refugees
Why is it moral to play “Who wants to be a Victim?” when it comes to the identity politics of race or sexuality and have a preferential opti
Jules Gomes
Dec 31, 2016
In a parallel universe, Rowan Williams turns Right
‘I will not compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. This is my New Year’s resolution, so help me God!’ writes Rowan Williams, in his Moleskin