Jules Gomes
Oct 1, 2019
“It’s the end of patriarchy. Women will give birth to children without the permission of men,” says Leftwing parliamentarian.
Will Jones
Sep 27, 2019
Climate change is no worse than diabetes, so why all the fuss?
More people die from diabetes and obesity than are predicted to die from climate change.
Andrew Tettenborn
Sep 22, 2019
The hate crime noose is tightening. Speak up or suffocate!
Essentially the argument is that anti-religious speech is just as bad as blatantly racist speech and needs to be suppressed to the same exte
Jules Gomes
Sep 20, 2019
Indian MP mocks Archbishop Justin Welby’s Amritsar apology as “self-flagellation”
Almost none of the mainstream Indian newspapers thought the Archbishop’s dramatic genuflection all that newsworthy.
Jules Gomes
Sep 18, 2019
A1RTV: How Archbishop Justin Welby Washed Away His Post-Colonial Guilt
Rodney Hearth from A1RTV interviews the Rebel Priest on free speech, Islam and Justin Welby’s Amritsar apology.