Jules Gomes
Jan 14, 2019
Anglican bishop gives masterclass in the art of the apology
There’s the English apology and there’s the Hebrew apology. It would be terribly and frightfully unfair to expect a Hebrew apology from an E
Jules Gomes
Apr 8, 2018
Prager's Rational Bible – inspiration sprinkled with gold dust
I was not expecting a miracle on Easter Monday. Certainly not in the fluky world of publishing! If you’d told me that a Bible commentary wri
Jules Gomes
Mar 25, 2018
Two old ladies and a dog have right on their side
Two old ladies and a tiny dog have brought the world’s oldest parliament to its knees. The Isle of Man parliament is seeking to ban their ri
Jules Gomes
Mar 18, 2018
Why, and what next? The questions Stephen Hawking couldn’t answer
Did the universe have a beginning? How did it begin? Why did it begin? The world’s most iconic cosmologist and mathematical physicist answer
Jules Gomes
Jul 16, 2017
Secularism has failed to save Charlie Gard
Why is the story of keeping alive one seriously sick baby dominating the news headlines? Not for one day, not even for a week, but for a ful