Jules Gomes
Aug 23, 2018
US Church homosexual priests scandal is a sequel to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah
The parallels with the archetypal story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the hegemony of the homosexual Mafia are perilously close to the situation
Jules Gomes
Aug 17, 2018
Homosexual predators, not paedophile priests, are Church’s deadly cancer
The Catholic Church does not have a paedophile problem. It has a gay sex-predator problem. Before correcting the problem in the trouser depa
Jules Gomes
Aug 9, 2018
Pope Francis’ new teaching on the death penalty rewrites the Bible
You don’t need God to defend the death penalty; the Golden Rule will do. And believers and atheists and secular humanists are equally happy
Jules Gomes
Apr 26, 2018
What if poor little Alfie Evans were a prince?
John Grisham’s acclaimed novel, A Time to Kill, climaxes with one of the most dramatic and animated closing arguments in legal fiction. A 12
Jules Gomes
Dec 10, 2017
Trump’s courage will live on in Jewish history
The so-called scientific West now concedes the world is flat because Muslims are insisting that the world is flat. President Donald Trump ha