Jules Gomes
Jan 11, 2019
Is John Finnis the bravest don in Oxford?
Catholic professor stands against academic bullying for his writings on sexual morality and is vindicated.
Jules Gomes
Dec 18, 2018
Anglican bishop who blesses abortion and gay sex gets top job in Rome
Is Bishop Burrows’ appointment a disastrous blunder or a calculated move on the part of Anglican authorities to push a progressive agenda in
Jules Gomes
Nov 21, 2018
Blackburn Cathedral is Muslim territory after Islamic call to prayer
When an Imam recited the Adhan in the consecrated space of Blackburn Cathedral the night before Remembrance Day, he was claiming it as Islam
Jules Gomes
Nov 17, 2018
US Catholic Bishops revive myth of racism as America’s Original Sin
The pastoral letter by the US Catholic Bishops suffers from a diarrhoea of words and constipation of academic rigour. It is episcopal race-b
Andrew Tettenborn
Sep 17, 2018
EU to Romania: How dare you say marriage is only between man and woman!
There is no European human right to a gay marriage, even in the bloated conception of human rights now espoused by the European Court of Hum