Jules Gomes
Sep 19, 2019
Bishop dons Hindu robes for Mass before ritual genitalia of pagan gods
Catholic church has tabernacle in the form of the phallus of a Hindu deity.
Jules Gomes
Sep 18, 2019
A1RTV: How Archbishop Justin Welby Washed Away His Post-Colonial Guilt
Rodney Hearth from A1RTV interviews the Rebel Priest on free speech, Islam and Justin Welby’s Amritsar apology.
Jules Gomes
Sep 17, 2019
I would say there is a very toxic atmosphere for Christians in parliament and in politics in general across all parties.
Jules Gomes
Sep 12, 2019
Victoria passes law forcing confessors to report child abuse
Leftwing politicians in Australia have enacted a law that is “alarming and unenforceable and put forward as gesture politics.”
Jules Gomes
Sep 10, 2019
Thousands march in largest protest yet against abortion in Northern Ireland
Pro-lifers in the thousands have taken to the streets in the largest protests so far against the imposition of abortion on N.Ireland by Brit