Jules Gomes
May 30, 2019
Ireland abortion raises questions about inaccuracy of prenatal testing
The case of an Irish baby who was aborted after being diagnosed with Edwards’ syndrome raises ethical and medical questions about non-invasi
Will Jones
May 20, 2019
Bombshell study explodes myth that same-sex parenting makes ‘no difference’
Contrary to the purported consensus, same-sex parent relationships are considerably less stable than male-female parent relationships, concl
Jules Gomes
May 9, 2019
Greta Thunberg and climate change alarmists suffer from humanity’s oldest phobia
Our pagan ancestors ascribed divinity to earthquakes, floods, thunder and lightening and lived in constant fear of “climate change.”
Janice Fiamengo
Nov 26, 2018
This is the way physics ends. Not with a Big Bang, but a feminist whimper
Feminism’s war on science heats up as CERN and Pisa University suspend particle physicist Prof Alessandro Strumia for telling the truth abou
Jules Gomes
Aug 30, 2018
Kill your baby at home. Doctors are finding abortions too traumatic
The abortion industry is in trouble. It is running short of doctors who are willing to kill babies. Doctors who perform abortions are suffer