Andrew Tettenborn
Apr 26, 2019
You’re a rapist if you screw your sleeping or sozzled wife in the land of the kilt
If you and your partner enjoy drunken or somnolent sex, she can now blackmail you for rape, thanks to Scotland’s woke pro-feminist laws.
Will Jones
Apr 16, 2019
How diversity challenges the nation state
How has our culture tied itself into such knots over what should be (and is, in most of the world) an axiomatic connection between ethnicity
Andrew Tettenborn
Dec 24, 2018
Ah dinnae ken how Scotland can make sectarianism a hate crime
The loony Scottish government wants to criminalise sectarianism to recognise it as an “intersectional challenge.”
Andrew Tettenborn
Nov 15, 2018
Absolutist gay indoctrination in Scottish schools will hit poor hardest
What’s worse than banning schools from teaching a given political ideology? Answer: requiring a political view to be taught as correct to ev