Jules Gomes
Nov 17, 2018
US Catholic Bishops revive myth of racism as America’s Original Sin
The pastoral letter by the US Catholic Bishops suffers from a diarrhoea of words and constipation of academic rigour. It is episcopal race-b
Jules Gomes
Oct 26, 2018
Harvard University’s hatred of Asian meritocracy reveals the Left’s racist underbelly
We know the Left detests whites (even though most Lefties are miserable white gits) but why do progressives hate Asians?
Jules Gomes
Sep 14, 2018
The religion of socialism is the opium of the elitist Archbishop Justin Welby
Justin Welby spent this week cuddling up to Britain’s trade unions with emetic chumminess, exposing himself as a full Monty socialist.
Jules Gomes
Sep 8, 2018
Archbishop Justin Welby, three chords, and the truth about the economy
Welby’s bugbear is not poverty; it’s inequality. He doesn’t love the poor as much as he hates the rich. It’s not that Britain’s poor have to
Andrew Tettenborn
Sep 2, 2018
With human rights magic you can turn an unmarried woman into a widow
Slowly and stealthily, human rights law is mounting a take-over bid for large swaths of our social policy. If ever a case showed that what w