An Elegy to the Virgin Birth
The Virgin Birth was once a literal belief
For Christians; but the doctrine brought such grief
To modern man — so having-come-of-age —
That he felt compelled to engage
Himself, with no effort spurned,
To cause all meaning to be turned
Upside down, through a labyrinth
Of abstruse thought, folk-lore and myth.
Thus a host of gentle scholars, teeming
To be heard, drained the Virgin Birth of all meaning;
Whilst solemnly, for all they’re worth,
Insisting: “We believe in the Virgin Birth…”
(Though in what way, one cannot see)
“But not gynaecologically.”
And who can fathom what is emerging? -
That Mary was and was not a virgin!
So, quiet, please, you gentle men,
Squeezing gentle words from a gentle pen,
I hereby confess that my intellect is slight —
It completely lacks your come-of-age insight;
But eternal truth for ever stands,
Despite the contemporary show of hands;
Nor can it e’er be blown off course
By thousands crying something false;
And though I know you don’t believe
The Bible as I do, it does say that those who leave
The way of understanding (words so dread)
The Rebel Priest team join in wishing our readers and supporters a very happy, blessed and meaningful Christmas and a logos-filled New Year!