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Jules Gomes

Gender is an objective fact, not some batty whim

Gender is like that old jumper from my cousin. It was given to me and it doesn’t fit.’ If one were to grade this statement on a scale of 1 to 10, ranging from the slightly batty to the complete bonkers, it would skyrocket into the stratosphere of the surreal. But in the Disneyland world of lunar aliens, levitating leprechauns and LGBTIQ…XYZ (insert your favourite alphabet) activism, gender lunacy is now hallowed dogma.

This insanity is now being peddled to schoolchildren by Educate and Celebrate, a LGBT pressure group. If you go to their website, the home page flashes at you with a girl’s image holding a placard comparing gender with an old jumper.

In January 2017, this group will poison your children with a book titled Can I Tell You About Gender Diversity? The book will ask them, their teachers and their parents not to call children ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ in case they offend ‘transgender’ pupils. The guidebook will be distributed to schools around Britain with the Ofsted imprimatur. You, the gullible taxpayer, will be subsidising it, because our former Education Secretary Nicky Morgan gave Educate and Celebrate £200,000 to market their non-binary gender nonsense.

Instead of learning to read, write, spell, add and subtract, your children will learn about Kit—a 12-year-old boy undergoing medical transition. If boys don’t want to be boys, Kit will explain to them how they can now be girls or vice-versa or fluidly flow back and forth with their gender, jumpers and lunch boxes.

If you are tempted to dismiss this group as loopy Laputans from Gulliver’s Travels with degrees in social engineering rather than proper engineering, take a cab from idiotic Islington to erudite Oxford. Amidst the dreamy spires of Britain’s oldest university, students studying to be classicists and civil engineers are transitioning to a far cleverer discipline—language engineering.

The brightest and best of Blighty are busy inventing a new lingo for transgender Jabberwocky. Thou shalt not use “he” or “she” but “ze”, declare the Oxonians. This is the first and great commandment of gender neutrality and using the wrong pronoun to address a transgender person is a capital offence according to Oxford University’s Students' Union behaviour code.


Why were we not told the whole truth—that this was going to be a

totalitarian takeover?


Did you think it was going to stop with civil rights for homosexuals? ‘What two people do in their bedroom is their business!’ That’s the fiction we were sold in the putsch for gay rights. So why is it now infiltrating our classrooms? Why were we not told the whole truth—that this was going to be a totalitarian takeover? Why were we not told that this would be a battle for control of our toilets, locker rooms, classrooms, universities, churches, synagogues and even language?

I wish I could say, ‘I told you this would happen!’ This isn’t about human rights. This is taking away our human rights. This isn’t about free speech. This is strangling our freedom of speech. This isn’t about civility or sensitivity. This is adopting a scorched-earth policy to much that we hold to be true, honourable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise, as St Paul spells out in his Letter to the Philippians; and even if such moral language survives we won’t really know what the words mean, as our great moral philosopher Prof Alasdair McIntyre writes in his book After Virtue.

So how do we dismantle this madhouse built on the quagmire of sinking sand? First, get the statistics right. Less than one per cent of children experience gender dysphoria. So for Elly Barnes, head of Educate and Celebrate, to claim that ‘not everyone identifies as male or female—that is fact’ and hence her book is ‘much-needed’ is to take a flying leap from hysteria to histrionics.

Second, get the science straight. Recognise that this is a mental health condition diagnosed as “gender identity disorder” which was renamed “gender dysphoria” only in 2013. Now, of course, the World Health Organisation is seeking to expunge even this re-named illness from the category of mental disorder.


Feelings cannot alter facts.


Third, hold to the principle that subjective feelings cannot alter objective facts. If feelings can change facts, why stop with gender? Why not race, background, height, or species? What if a black African middle-aged tribal man insists that “her” or “zer” identity is that of a teenage white Norwegian princess?

Is Elly Barnes going to write a guidebook that “ze” can hand out and insist that people address him as “Zer” Highness? Will Educate and Celebrate insist on Prince Harry invite “zer” to his wedding threatening a diplomatic row if Harry says ‘No, zer?’ What if a 45-year-old suddenly decides he wants to return to first grade because he feels like a 7-year-old? Will the local primary admit him?

If your granddaughter discovers her identity as a mermaid, does her school have to provide her with a Jacuzzi in the classroom? And if Dan believes he is Pan, the Greek god, will the NHS pay for species reassignment surgery so Dan/Pan can have the legs, horns and backside of a goat? And then offer Dan/Pan a Bloody Mary in the NHS blood bank if “ze” decides to transition into the trans-species identity of Vlad the vampire the day after tomorrow?

Should we surgically alter someone’s body to conform to their imagined identity, or should we psychologically alter a person’s imagined identity to conform to their body through counselling or psychotherapy? And while caring for genuine sufferers of gender identity disorder, should we not hold this ideological idiocy to a barrage of the most excoriating ridicule, mockery and contempt?

Let me challenge Educate and Celebrate or one of the academic morons from Oxford to perform a simple exercise. Get Ms Barnes or some posh Postlethwaite girl to pop into their local mosque on a Friday and walk right into the middle of 500 Muslim men squatting on their prayer rugs so “ze” can join “zem” for Salaat-ul-Jumma prayers. When the Imam asks “zer” to leave, Elly Barnes or the classy Oxonian female can tell the Imam “ze” is actually a circumcised Muslim man. Then “ze” can hand “zim” a copy of Can I Tell You About Gender Diversity?

(Originally published in The Conservative Woman)


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