The world’s biggest bookseller has buckled under pressure from homosexual activists and banned the works of the world’s most famous Catholic clinical psychologist on reparative or conversion therapy.
Amazon pulled books written by pioneering therapist Dr. Joseph Nicolosi after British homosexual activist Rojo Alan stepped up a social media campaign calling for a ban on psychological literature on reparative therapy, which helps people seeking to change their sexual orientation.
Dr. Nicolosi, who died in 2017, was a devout Catholic and licensed clinical psychologist and academic, who rejected the fatalism of the premise that people are “born gay” and have no choice. Homosexuality, he believed, is an adaptation to trauma; it is rooted in a same-sex attachment problem that leaves the boy alienated from his true masculine nature.
He assisted hundreds of clients with their goal of reducing same-sex attractions and exploring their heterosexual potential through the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic, which had a staff of seven therapists handling about 135 cases a week of people from around the world and the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), which he co-founded.
In March, “Sky Gray” a US-based LGBTQ activist who self-identifies as “pansexual trans” launched a Change.org petition against Nicolosi’s books after Amazon removed a “gay conversion app” from its app store.
Dr. Nicolosi rejected the fatalism of the premise that people are “born gay” and have no choice.
“Celebrating books that qualify homosexuality as an illness is not right and you can help stop it,” Sky Gray urged in his petition, which attracted over 80,000 signatures.
“Surprise: none of these therapies work. And moreover, they’re incredibly damaging to the victims,” he claimed, adding, “they can and have lead to mental health issues including depression, self-harm, and suicide.”
On May 31, Alan Rojo intensified pressure, and in a Facebook post asked his supporters to help him in “getting a number of homophobic books pulled from Wordery and Amazon” by leaving “a bad review” and contacting the providers.
“It took a couple of weeks but the rating on Amazon dropped from a 4 star to a 2 star. I was finally getting somewhere,” he bragged in a Facebook post.
Amazon, which sells Hitler’s Mein Kampf, six books by Dr. Josef Goebbels, works by white supremacist David Duke, and pro-Stalin works by American academic Grover Furr, who argues in his books that Stalin killed nobody, pulled Nicolosi’s works from their online shelves on July 3, because they do not meet “content guidelines.”
Church Militant spoke to Dr. Mike Davidson, Dr. David Virtue, and Dr. Lisa Nolland, who knew Nicolosi well and had benefited from his labours.
“Anyone who knew Joseph Nicolosi well will attest to his unfailing compassion and skill with those wanting to leave unwanted homosexual practices,” remarked Dr. Davidson, CEO of Core Issues Trust, who directed the movie Joseph Nicolosi: A True Friend, which is available on Amazon.co.uk at the time of writing.
“Nicolosi has left a framework of understanding that too many identify with to be allowed to be eliminated by Amazon. His concepts had mass appeal across language, cultural and religious divides. His work is foundational, building on Elizabeth Moberly’s foundational work before him and together with Bieber and Sacorides,” he added.
Virtue, Editor of Virtue Online, told Church Militant:
I first met Dr. Nicolosi in London and saw him in action with about 100 young homosexuals who had come from all over Europe looking to break free from their homosexual desires. They had come voluntarily without coercion. As they expressed their concerns and fears, I watched as Dr Nicolosi led them through their relationship with their fathers, sometimes mothers, which were always dysfunctional, usually absentee fathers, emotionally disconnected fathers, abusive fathers.
As they talked, I watched as grown men cried, argued and fought with Dr. Nicolosi. He held his ground. He was tough and kind in the same breath. He demanded that at all times they tell the truth about the family relationships. Were these men instantly healed? No. But they were on the way to healing and Dr. Nicolosi would always be there for them. Later I heard that some married women and could testify that reparative therapy did work.
“Dr. Joseph Nicolosi understood gay men better than most—he spent his entire career listening to and trying to understand them! Thankfully, Joe’s son Joseph Nicolosi, Jr. has built on his father’s magnificent work,” sex historian Nolland said.
Anyone who knew Joseph Nicolosi well will attest to his unfailing compassion and skill with those wanting to leave unwanted homosexual practices.
Until recently, distinguished members of the American Psychological Association (APA), like its former president Dr Robert Perloff, commended Nicolosi’s books and condemned the takeover of the APA by special interests groups like the gay lobby.
“The policies and resolutions of organizations such as the APA, and probably the American Psychiatric Association as well, would be better framed and more truthfully based were these organizations cognisant of, and open to, the sentiments promoting reparative therapy,” wrote Perloff in his foreword to Nicolosi’s Shame and Attachment Loss: The Practical Work of Reparative Therapy, published in 2009.
Although some in the APA maligned reparative therapy, “it has not been rejected as a therapeutic modality for those seeking to change their sexual orientation, especially Christians or other religious or morally motivated persons,” Dr. H. Newton Malony, observed in a second foreword to the book.
He explained that Nicolosi himself never presented reparative therapy as a “therapeutic cure-all” or “as a model that explains each and every incidence of homosexuality.”
He elaborated: “Reparative therapy is offered as a hopeful remedy grounded in one environmentally significant determinant—namely family interaction. It is also offered as an option for religiously motivated persons who are seeking some alternative to the view that they cannot change.”
Meanwhile, on July 5, Rojo Alan said he was widening his net and calling activists in different countries to “check other titles” on conversion therapy and have them removed.
Committed Catholic Jeremy Schwab who left the “gay life” ten years ago and leads an apostolate called Joel 2:25 to help others struggling with homosexuality, said that Alan was also targeting other books, including his own literature and testimonies of former homosexuals.
He told Church Militant: “In a free market, we should be able to just go to another platform, but the same people who demanded that Amazon remove our books and resources have consistently demanded that any app, video, and content we create be removed. Apple, Google, Amazon, Vimeo, and YouTube have all jumped to meet their demands. This is not just about Amazon. They really are trying and succeeding in silencing anyone who dares to disagree with them.”
Amazon has also recently removed books on conversion therapy by Anne Paulk, Gerard J. M. Van Den Aardweg, Richard Cohen and Alan Medinger and Schwab has launched a counter-petition asking Amazon to reverse its decision.
Mrs. Linda Nicolosi has also joined the fight against the militant homosexual activists seeking to suffocate free speech and choice. “If this ban stands, it will effectively amount to a stranglehold on the free flow of information for conservatives and people of traditional faith, because Amazon holds a virtual monopoly on book sales, the public will be unable to access information on the causes of homosexuality, and of any hope for change,” Linda Nicolosi, the late psychologist’s wife, told Virtue Online.
“Of course, this is what gay activists want—to control the free flow of information. Their activism was never about tolerance—it was about the marginalization and shaming of anyone with a different viewpoint,” she said.
Mrs. Nicolosi isn’t backing down. Her husband’s books—including a new book about to be published, The Best of Joseph Nicolosi—will soon be available directly on his website, www.josephnicolosi.com.
(Originally published in Church Militant. To comment on this piece, click here)