When men stop believing in God, they believe anything
‘Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.’ Rousseau’s celebrated slogan heralding the French Revolution has mutated into a new slogan heralding the final frontier of the Sexual Revolution. Babies are born genderless, but everywhere they are enslaved by the binaries of male or female genders.
It is Canada, not France, where the world’s first “genderless” baby has been born. Searyl Atli (is that a genderless name?) is ‘born free, as free as the wind blows, born free to follow their heart.’ More likely, Searyl Atli is born enslaved to follow the translunatic fantasies of a transgender parent.
Searyl Atli, an eight-month baby, has been issued with a health card that does not specify the child’s sex. The public authority of British Columbia has done this at the insistence of “parent” Kori Doty, a non-binary transgender activist who identifies as neither male nor female. Kori Doty is campaigning to omit the baby’s sex from all other official records including the birth certificate. Doty (or should it be Dotty?) conveniently ignores the scientific reality that only women can be mothers and therefore she is a woman.
The health card issued to Baby Atli is marked with a “U” in the space where a child’s sex is normally specified. “U” does not stand for Unicorn or Unidentified Flying Genitalia. “U” stands for unspecified or undetermined. Unspecified, I can understand. Undetermined, I cannot fathom.
Going by the rules of common sense and human sexuality, a quick look for the right bits (or lack of them) in the right place, is enough to determine whether “U” is “M” or “F.” Not in Canada, though, where sentimentality trumps logic, caprice conquers common sense, mysticism overpowers clarity, and insanity bludgeons truth to pulp fiction.
Last month, another Canadian province, Ontario, passed a law that allows the government to kidnap your child if you, as a parent, use the child’s biological gender’s pronoun, rather than their preferred one. An overwhelming majority of 63 to 23 legislators in the Ontario legislature voted in favour of this absurdity. It was given the grand title of “The Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act,” when it should have be labelled “The State Sponsored Child Abuse Act.”
The Canadian government is sponsoring child abuse of the most surreal kind.
This is child abuse of the most surreal kind and the Canadian government is sponsoring it. Kori Doty, the parent of the genderless baby is aware that his/her actions are termed child abuse. ‘I know that I’m being discussed in men’s rights activist forums, I know that there are articles written about me and the way that my parenting practices are tantamount to abuse,’ says Doty.
Even Camille Paglia, feminist goddess and lesbian university professor, condemns the imposition of the new trans-insanity on children as child abuse. ‘Parents are now encouraged to subject the child to procedures that I think are a form of child abuse,’she said in an interview on Brazilian television. ‘I think that the transgender propagandists make wildly inflated claims about the multiplicity of gender. Sex reassignment surgery, even today with all of its advances, cannot in fact change anyone’s sex, okay. You can define yourself as a trans man, or a trans woman, as one of these new gradations along the scale. But ultimately, every single cell in the human body, the DNA in that cell, remains coded for your biological birth,’ she added. That’s fact, isn’t it? Facts give a damn about feelings.
Refusing to let Searyl Atli identify with his or her biological gender is child abuse. Even though Atli is born a normal child, Atli’s parent is laying the foundations for the mental illness of gender dysphoria in the child, when presumably none exists. Doty, the transgender mother, is unleashing an excruciating form of cognitive dissonance on a vulnerable child. Atli will suffer the mental torture experienced by a person who simultaneously is exposed to two or more completely contradictory positions—my penis means I am male; other sane people are telling me I am male, but my parent is telling me that I am not male.
Unless Doty plans to imprison her child in an incubator funded by the Canadian taxpayer, Atli will be surrounded by other children who will be aware that they are boys or girls. Of course, the Canadian government can prevent this cruelty if Justin Trudeau turns his country overnight into a Thought Prison and bans all parents from defining all children as boys or girls.
Doty is also poisoning her child with a completely unrealistic view of life. If you can choose your gender, you can choose almost anything! Piers Morgan (who has an equally unrealistic view of the world when it comes to Islam), asked Doty what would happen if the child ‘wanted to identify as a monkey.’
‘We will probably have some important conversations about beasties and science and things that are appropriate,’ Doty replied, trying to keep a straight face. ‘They are a human being I’m raising them as a human being.’ Doty’s awful grammar—the use of third person plural instead of the second person singular masculine or feminine—is probably allowing his child yet another possibility. If baby Atli decides that it has multiple identities “it” can call itself “they!”
Transgenderism is a religion.
Doty’s “science” is as about credible as Pope Leo XIII arguing for a geocentric universe and insisting that the earth was flat and when all Galileo was asking him to do was to look through his telescope and let the facts speak for themselves. But Galileo was convicted of heresy and imprisoned and anyone who challenges the new religion of transgenderism must be prepared to face a similar fate.
Transgenderism is a religion. Psychotherapist Nell Gibbon Daly who spoke to the transgender parent reported that the parent had told her: ‘This child is a spiritual being having a human experience not a human being having a spiritual experience.’ Daly affirms this religious dimension and adds, ‘It’s actually a very spiritual endeavour.’ So what is this new religion we are dealing with?
The transgender spirituality takes a bastardised form of the Hindu doctrines of reincarnation and Maya (illusion) and blends it with the ancient cult of Gnosticism. You may have been a man in your previous life; you are now a woman in this life, says Hindu reincarnation. Forget multiple lives, says the new religion of transgenderism. You can have multiple genders in this life! You can reincarnate yourself in a polymorphous parade of genders depending on how you feel and what you choose without having to wait for the next life.
Maya is the delusion human beings suffer when we identify with the material rather than the spiritual and claim that matter is real. After all, everything is an illusion! This is akin to Gnosticism. Gnosticism denigrates matter and privileges my “inner light” over matter. It does not matter if in my flesh, I am a man with male genitalia. If my inner light tells me I am a woman, my subjective feelings matter more than objective facts. Matter does not matter.
The West progressed as a civilisation only when the Judeo-Christian worldview overthrew the anti-science fallacy of Gnosticism. In the book of Genesis, God creates the world of matter and creates humans as man and woman. In the gospel of John, the Word becomes flesh. Matter is good. Matter matters. God loves matter. God redeems matter.
But expect the insanity of the sexual revolution to snowball as we rapidly regress into what Paglia calls ‘an eruption of the never-defeated paganism of the West.’ The new Gnostic paganism blended with bastardised Hinduism proves G. K. Chesterton’s great maxim to be prophetically precise: ‘When a man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.’
(Originally published in The Conservative Woman)