Jules Gomes
Sep 6, 2019
Priest pulls Harry Potter books from school for ‘curses’ and ‘spells’
All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to ‘unvei
Jules Gomes
Jun 19, 2019
BANNED IN OXFORD: Rodney Hearth interviews Rebel Priest on Air TV
Why are universities of all places paranoid about the proliferation of different ideas?
Will Jones
May 20, 2019
Bombshell study explodes myth that same-sex parenting makes ‘no difference’
Contrary to the purported consensus, same-sex parent relationships are considerably less stable than male-female parent relationships, concl
Jules Gomes
Apr 20, 2019
Exposing a culture of death: Paul Moulton interviews “Rebel Priest” for Manx TV
On Holy Saturday, when Jesus lay entombed, we held a Prayer Vigil against the Abortion Reform Bill on the Isle of Man with Bishop Gavin Ashe
Jules Gomes
Apr 11, 2019
Cowardly Christians vs courageous Muslims: Rodney Hearth interviews Rebel Priest on Air TV
There isn’t one Christian denomination in Britain standing up to the State’s normalisation of gay sex in primary schools. Why, asks the Rebe