Jules Gomes
Dec 30, 2018
Syria was never a Just War
The West should fight wars based on the principles of Augustine, not Mohammed. There are no good guys in an Islamic civil war.
Peter Murcott
Dec 25, 2018
An Elegy to the Virgin Birth
The Rebel Priest team join in wishing our readers and supporters a very happy, blessed and meaningful Christmas and a logos-filled New Year!
Peter Murcott
Dec 22, 2018
Politically Correct joins Pilgrim’s Progress in the Garrison of Gender
Doubting Castle had doubled in size, and was soon to be known as the Garrison of Gender.
Jules Gomes
Nov 21, 2018
Blackburn Cathedral is Muslim territory after Islamic call to prayer
When an Imam recited the Adhan in the consecrated space of Blackburn Cathedral the night before Remembrance Day, he was claiming it as Islam
Jules Gomes
Aug 23, 2018
US Church homosexual priests scandal is a sequel to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah
The parallels with the archetypal story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the hegemony of the homosexual Mafia are perilously close to the situation