Jules Gomes
Apr 13, 2018
How can the Queen be descended from Muhammad if he didn’t exist in the first place?
Is this a tale from the Arabian Nights or a Saudi sitcom (golly, what an oxymoron)? ‘The blood of Muhammad flows in the veins of the Queen,’
Jules Gomes
Apr 11, 2018
Bishops, blackmail and the child benefit cap
Sixty bishops have turned their mitres into begging bowls on behalf of the would-be parents of Great Britain. ‘Be fruitful and multiply and
Jules Gomes
Mar 15, 2018
Lauren Southern and the Islamic Police State of Great Britain
How is distributing a leaflet on Allah’s inclusive attributes an act of terrorism? Britain has reintroduced blasphemy laws, but only if you
Jules Gomes
Feb 11, 2018
How can feminists condone this massacre of unborn girls?
Our bra-burning and pussy-hat-wearing feminists have said not a word in defence of the unborn girl-child. As a feminist, do you want to save
Jules Gomes
Nov 10, 2017
Lower taxes are the rights of Man
What’s immoral about investing your money offshore? After all, Leftists don’t believe in borders.