Jules Gomes
Oct 15, 2017
Bishop worships at the altar of the State
The Bishop of Buckingham has succumbed to the virus of homofascism. Bishop Alan Wilson would like the government to invade our freedom of th
Jules Gomes
Oct 1, 2017
Statues of Liberty: ‘Rebel Priest’ Rev Jules Gomes nominates William Tyndale, great reformer who tra
Tyndale’s lesser-known contribution to liberty, tolerance and the British and American constitutional order parallels his outstanding achiev
Jules Gomes
Sep 17, 2017
Why the C of E needs to admit it’s only a C in E
Men will never be free until the last bishop is strangled with the entrails of the last politician. The Achilles heel of the C of E has been
Jules Gomes
Feb 12, 2017
Churchill, Hume and Kant – Bercow would have gagged them all
John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, is having a midlife crisis. Playboy for Parliamentarians has not asked him to pose in the nude