Jules Gomes
Jun 11, 2019
Catholic politician attacked for saying science may cure homosexuality
“I believe in issues of conscience. I believe it very strongly. I will take no stand on this whatsoever. Tolerance needs to be a two-way str
Will Jones
Jun 3, 2019
State bans freedom of assembly so LGBT activists can poison our kids
Come to think of it, all protests criticise something, and someone might take them personally, so why not just ban them all?
Andrew Tettenborn
May 30, 2019
Black is White when it comes to LGBT sex education, says Equality tsar
Asking a teacher to teach Islam and then to say that a family with two mothers is just as worthy as one with a father and a mother is double
Will Jones
May 29, 2019
Identity politics is a sport for LGBT groups, but not for Muslims
Identity politics was great for advancing the LGBT agenda, says David Isaac, Equality and Human Rights Commission, but religious folk should
Jules Gomes
May 11, 2019
Pro-Aborts disrupt abortion survivor’s testimony at London’s March for Life
Thousands kneel to pray in repentance as abortion advocates try to disrupt abortion survivor’s testimony singing: “We need abortion and if i