Niall McCrae
Jun 27, 2018
Britain's National Health Service is killing me softly with a syringe
All these old people with nothing to live for. We had to feed them, just to keep them alive. They are wasting time and space.
Jules Gomes
Jun 14, 2018
Welby, Mullally and the Golden Calf of the National Health Service
A Hindu worships a sacred cow. An Anglican bishop worships a golden calf. If you want to change your gender, Bishop Sarah Mullally's Goo
Jules Gomes
Jun 7, 2018
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Welby's Euromania is marching on
‘Mr Welby is distinguished for ignorance; for he has only one idea, and that is wrong.’
Jules Gomes
May 27, 2018
The Battle of the Bloggers’ Bulge
Rod Liddle went for Michael Curry’s royal wedding sermon like a hawk swooping down on an unsuspecting mouse.
Jules Gomes
May 15, 2018
The Mullallyfication of the Church of England
Why was Sarah Mullally chosen to be Bishop of London? Mullally’s crowning glory is that she is a feminist and so ‘necessarily subversive’ as