Jules Gomes
Mar 11, 2018
The great lie that distinctions don’t matter
What do Planned Parenthood and the Church of Scotland have in common? One provides abortions and the other provides baptisms. One kills babi
Jules Gomes
Feb 25, 2018
Praise be for God's salesman Billy Graham, 1918-2018
Billy Graham, pastor to presidents, preached the cross and the resurrection, not the unholy psychobabble of feel-goodism or moralistic thera
Jules Gomes
Feb 18, 2018
Lack of individual morality – the deadly rot at the core of the charity sector
Something is rotten in the state of the charity sector. The carcasses of sex, money and power are piling up in the meat freezers of Oxfam an
Jules Gomes
Feb 8, 2018
Islamic conquest of prison chaplaincy gives pastoral care the death sentence
Islam is taking over prisons. The statutory presence of the CofE in prisons should give it a voice on issues of imprisonment, but it remains
Jules Gomes
Dec 3, 2017
Easy virtue of the grandstanding archbishops
Two men go to the temple to pray, one the Archbishop of Canterbury and the other a Trump-voting American fundamentalist.