Jules Gomes
Feb 15, 2017
Welby risks a fatal Anglican split over homosexuality
Rev Jules Gomes interviews Susie Leafe, Director of Reform, a conservative evangelical pressure group within the Church of England. Susie ha
Jules Gomes
Feb 12, 2017
Churchill, Hume and Kant – Bercow would have gagged them all
John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, is having a midlife crisis. Playboy for Parliamentarians has not asked him to pose in the nude
Jules Gomes
Jan 29, 2017
Welby is sucked further into the feminist mire
We’ve seen the era of the Blair babes, and we’ve seen the epoch of Dave’s dolls. Now we’re witnessing a new age of Welby’s “wimmin” priests
Jules Gomes
Jan 26, 2017
‘The Church of England is dying’, warns former Queen’s Chaplain
The Rev Dr Jules Gomes interviews the Rev Dr Gavin Ashenden, Former Chaplain to the Queen, who was forced to resign after he protested again
Jules Gomes
Jan 15, 2017
Snowflakes be warned – the Bible is X-rated
Snowflakes studying theology at Glasgow University are being given trigger-warnings that a lecture on Jesus sometimes ‘contains graphic scen