Jules Gomes
Dec 18, 2016
Gender is an objective fact, not some batty whim
Gender is like that old jumper from my cousin. It was given to me and it doesn’t fit. This insanity is being peddled to schoolchildren by Ed
Jules Gomes
Dec 4, 2016
‘Hate crime’ is the product of our new secular religion
Civilisation had to wait 3,000 years before the loony left came up with the legal absurdity of “hate crime” in the mid-eighties. Are we now
Jules Gomes
Oct 2, 2016
Diversity and inclusion have trumped the truth
Irrational philosopher? Isn’t that an oxymoron? Well, it used to be. Not anymore. The philosopher leading the Charge of the Leftist Brigade,
Jules Gomes
Sep 27, 2016
Welby proves a wolf in shepherd’s clothes as he devalues marriage
Once upon a time, in a land of pleasant pastures where old maids bicycled to Holy Communion through the morning mist, the Head Shepherd of t
Jules Gomes
Aug 26, 2016
Muslims demand polygamy in Italy following same-sex marriage
Italy is now out of the gay marriage frying pan into the polygamous marriage fire. Italian imams are singing Don Giovanni arias from the min