Jules Gomes
Dec 24, 2018
No room in the inn for Asia Bibi this Christmas
The door of Theresa May’s Intersectional Inn remains shut to a persecuted Pakistani Christian.
Jules Gomes
Dec 14, 2018
Amazing Appeasement, how sweet the sound, that saved an evangelical wretch like me!
Archbishop Justin Welby called for “good disagreement”. Conservative evangelicals are now offering him “good appeasement” on a silver platte
David Kurten
Dec 8, 2018
Traitor Theresa signing Global Migration Pact is moral blackmail and national suicide
The aim of the UN Global Migration Pact is essentially to make illegal immigration legal, and it is picked in the moralistic language of hum
Jules Gomes
Dec 1, 2018
Derby Cathedral banned vicar for not paying diocese “protection money”
Derby Cathedral prohibited Rev Melvin Tinker from preaching at a Christian Union carol service because his church stopped contributing to th
Jules Gomes
Nov 30, 2018
Cowardly Theresa May won’t save Asia Bibi. Britain’s fear of Islam is historic
Pakistan is Britain’s largest aid recipient in the world. Why are we happy to pay out the money, but too scared to intervene against persecu