Jules Gomes
Sep 5, 2018
Pakistan PM Imran Khan pushes Blasphemy Laws on the West killing our freedom of speech
Instead of the civilised West civilising Pakistan, backward and barbaric Pakistani hotheads led by a turncoat Prime Minister are de-civilisi
Niall McCrae
Aug 28, 2018
Leftwing comedians can’t be funny because socialism is a bad joke
Edinburgh Festival parades the perennially PC comedy fare, but the audience is no longer laughing. Instead, they're CLAPPING.
Jules Gomes
Aug 27, 2018
Jews used irony and wrote history when Jeremy Corbyn’s ancestors were “brutal savages”
The accusations against the Jews remain as stereotypical as Shylock in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Jeremy Corbyn, leader of Britai
Jules Gomes
Aug 17, 2018
Video: How feminist “Dambusters” destroyed the Church of England
The video recording of Dr Jules Gomes’ lecture at the Fourth International Conference on Men’s Issues held at the Excel Conference Centre, C
Jules Gomes
Aug 13, 2018
Burqa-loving Theresa May is a slave to Salafist Islam
Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May is no friend of conservative Christianity. When it comes to Islam, May flip-flops from liberalism to