Janice Fiamengo
Aug 3, 2018
Feminism as a Victim Mentality Disorder cannot counter Muslim misogyny
The feminist victim mentality disorder sees Islam as “othered” by the colonial west. Hence, it can never be the target of feminist criticism
Niall McCrae
Jul 27, 2018
Bitching feminists launch witch-hunts when men ask for equal rights
Feminists are aghast when men claim victimhood. But male inequality is not a myth. It is a scientifically verifiable fact.
Jules Gomes
Jul 25, 2018
Bishops bashed, redefined as “Bullies” in new Oxford Thesaurus
The world’s largest thesaurus is being updated this week to include the word “bishop” as a synonym for “bully”, Oxford University Press has
Jules Gomes
Jul 14, 2018
Donald Trump’s chutzpah crushes traitor Theresa May’s fake diplomacy
President Donald Trump has demonstrated chutzpah like no other leader in contemporary US and world politics. The problem with today’s Wester
Andrew Tettenborn
Jul 10, 2018
Britain will coerce you to render to Caesar the things that are God’s
Don’t be surprised if we soon see attempts to criminalise churchmen who try to persuade their flock not to give way to desires they see as p