Andrew Tettenborn
Apr 22, 2019
Farmor’s School acts like Victorian boss by firing Kristie Higgs for petition on LGBT Sex Education
Things have come to a pretty pass when a mother is sacked for her entirely lawful efforts to do what is best for her own child in school.
Will Jones
Apr 4, 2019
Don’t mention sex, marriage or family, please, we’re British evangelicals!
Why have evangelicals fallen silent? The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity and Jubilee Centre are surprisingly silent on sex,
Andrew Tettenborn
Apr 2, 2019
Thou shalt not debate the morality of homosexuality on BBC Question Time
That those with close connections to the BBC, should seek to put off-limits the discussion of issues of concern to large numbers of people i
Will Jones
Mar 22, 2019
Why banning “conversion therapy” is more dangerous than you think
Here are three reasons why we should be concerned about the government’s attempt to ban “conversion therapy.”
Jules Gomes
Mar 19, 2019
Muslim parent revolt against LGBT syllabus spreads to more schools in Birmingham
Muslim parents are now protesting at the Park Primary School in Moseley, Birmingham, calling for headteacher Hewitt-Clarkson to withdraw the