Jules Gomes
Oct 2, 2016
Diversity and inclusion have trumped the truth
Irrational philosopher? Isn’t that an oxymoron? Well, it used to be. Not anymore. The philosopher leading the Charge of the Leftist Brigade,
Jules Gomes
Sep 18, 2016
The Bible unequivocally prohibits homosexuality
‘One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit,’ claims Prof Frankfurt. As a test case let’s examine Arc
Jules Gomes
Sep 4, 2016
Welby has more to worry about than the Church’s treatment of gays
Welby was a one-trick pony at the Greenbelt Festival. If you can’t impress them with substance, smother them with synthetic sincerity, manuf
Jules Gomes
Aug 26, 2016
Muslims demand polygamy in Italy following same-sex marriage
Italy is now out of the gay marriage frying pan into the polygamous marriage fire. Italian imams are singing Don Giovanni arias from the min
Jules Gomes
Jul 22, 2016
Equating the abolition of slavery with gay marriage is Osborne’s utter nonsense
How do you compare a towering moral giant like William Wilberforce with a vacillating moral pygmy like ‘Hug a Hoodie’ Dave? It’s like compar