Jules Gomes
Jun 1, 2018
Recruiting mentally dysfunctional clergy to run the Anglican asylum
In a fit of ideological frenzy, the C of E has said it now wants to move beyond recruiting the mediocre to enlisting mentally ill as clergy.
Jules Gomes
May 25, 2018
Why nothing irks a Leftie like a referendum
Direct democracy to a progressive is as embarrassing, messy, and torturous as is a colonoscopy to a chronic sufferer of haemorrhoids.
Jules Gomes
May 21, 2018
How a bad Curry gave the royal wedding a spiritual indigestion
How did the media miss the biggest religion story of the decade? In a masterstroke worthy of the serpentine cunning of Niccolò Machiavelli,
Jules Gomes
Apr 30, 2018
Drug giants scent gold in those transgender teens
I began peddling drugs at the age of 17. I wasn’t pushing two-bit dinky drugs like cannabis or heroin. I was into the big league. I worked f
Jules Gomes
Apr 15, 2018
Why Christians must rub salt in society’s wounds
Idolatry and emperor worship is not a problem for David Ison, Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, and Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool. They are tug