Jules Gomes
Jul 20, 2018
Archbishop Justin Welby hosts Muslim leader who says homosexuality is a 'disease'
‘What will Christian pastors who accept homosexuality tell Jesus?’ asks Sheikh al Tayyeb. Why did he not ask Justin Welby this when visiting
Andrew Tettenborn
Jul 10, 2018
Britain will coerce you to render to Caesar the things that are God’s
Don’t be surprised if we soon see attempts to criminalise churchmen who try to persuade their flock not to give way to desires they see as p
Jules Gomes
Jul 9, 2018
Church of England blows £7million on giant inflatable ‘Safeguarding’ balloon
The Church of England is spending £7million in one year on its bloated bureaucratic balloon of 'Safeguarding'; half of what it spend
Jules Gomes
Jul 4, 2018
Shagged out and pissed up patients are bankrupting Britain's NHS
Britain's NHS is broke and broken because it can no longer tell the difference between a good shag and a bad shag.
Jules Gomes
Jun 6, 2018
Bake the cake - Three cheers for free speech and the US Supreme Court
The place of secular officials isn’t to sit in judgment of religious beliefs, but only to protect their free exercise, rules the US Supreme