Jules Gomes
Mar 11, 2018
The great lie that distinctions don’t matter
What do Planned Parenthood and the Church of Scotland have in common? One provides abortions and the other provides baptisms. One kills babi
Jules Gomes
Dec 31, 2017
Magician Mullally and the English rope trick
Mullally’s deadliest spell was reserved for evangelicals like William Taylor, Vicar of St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate. Her English rope
Jules Gomes
Nov 26, 2017
Is gay adoption wrong? The children say Yes
Children raised by same-sex couples are now comparing their experience of gay adoption to the biblical horror story of Jephthah and his daug
Jules Gomes
Nov 19, 2017
Welby’s transgender crusade will encourage bullying, not stop it
The point of school uniform is uniformity. Anyone dressing differently sets themselves up as a target for bullying. The sillier the garb, th
Jules Gomes
Nov 16, 2017
Feminism and gay marriage have poisoned the C of E
Justin Welby and his cronies must be banging their heads wondering why they did not make Gavin Ashenden, the former Queen’s Chaplain, a bish