Jules Gomes
Jan 26, 2017
‘The Church of England is dying’, warns former Queen’s Chaplain
The Rev Dr Jules Gomes interviews the Rev Dr Gavin Ashenden, Former Chaplain to the Queen, who was forced to resign after he protested again
Jules Gomes
Dec 18, 2016
Gender is an objective fact, not some batty whim
Gender is like that old jumper from my cousin. It was given to me and it doesn’t fit. This insanity is being peddled to schoolchildren by Ed
Niall McCrae and Jules Gomes
Dec 14, 2016
King’s College wrong to erase Carey from its wall of fame
To label Carey a homophobe is to enter the theatre of the absurd. The Established Church does not restrict membership or ministration of sac
Jules Gomes
Dec 4, 2016
‘Hate crime’ is the product of our new secular religion
Civilisation had to wait 3,000 years before the loony left came up with the legal absurdity of “hate crime” in the mid-eighties. Are we now
Jules Gomes
Oct 2, 2016
Diversity and inclusion have trumped the truth
Irrational philosopher? Isn’t that an oxymoron? Well, it used to be. Not anymore. The philosopher leading the Charge of the Leftist Brigade,