Jules Gomes
Feb 27, 2017
The myth of the militant Muslim minority is a placebo
The myth of the militant Muslim minority is a placebo. It is wishful thinking that gives the multiculturalist utopian an illusion of control
Jules Gomes and Ken MacKintosh
Feb 20, 2017
Quoting the Bible can land you in court
Catch them if you can is a now a blood sport in Pakistan. Islamists are hunting down Christians. In the UK, gay rights activists are playing
Jules Gomes
Feb 5, 2017
Christian shepherds side with the Islamist wolf
Civil war has erupted in the church. This time it is not over women’s ordination or same-sex marriage but over the immigration of Muslims to
Jules Gomes
Feb 3, 2017
Trump is entitled to protect persecuted Christian refugees
Why is it moral to play “Who wants to be a Victim?” when it comes to the identity politics of race or sexuality and have a preferential opti
Jules Gomes
Jan 26, 2017
‘The Church of England is dying’, warns former Queen’s Chaplain
The Rev Dr Jules Gomes interviews the Rev Dr Gavin Ashenden, Former Chaplain to the Queen, who was forced to resign after he protested again