Jules Gomes
May 9, 2019
Greta Thunberg and climate change alarmists suffer from humanity’s oldest phobia
Our pagan ancestors ascribed divinity to earthquakes, floods, thunder and lightening and lived in constant fear of “climate change.”
Jules Gomes
May 8, 2019
England’s Catholic schools back State in LGBT Sex Education law
Catholic officials are supporting the state's LGBT Relationships and Sex education program for children.
Will Jones
Apr 30, 2019
Peers crush parents forcing schools to indoctrinate children in LGBT dogma
The State has usurped parents’ rights to decide what their children will be taught, even if it means teaching 13-year-olds to accept high-ri
Jules Gomes
Apr 28, 2019
Rebuilding Notre Dame Cathedral contradicts everything secular Europe stands for
Grand edifices are not built in brick or stone. They are built on a moral and metaphysical vision. Europe has lost the vision that gave birt
Andrew Tettenborn
Apr 26, 2019
You’re a rapist if you screw your sleeping or sozzled wife in the land of the kilt
If you and your partner enjoy drunken or somnolent sex, she can now blackmail you for rape, thanks to Scotland’s woke pro-feminist laws.