Andrew Tettenborn
Apr 2, 2019
Thou shalt not debate the morality of homosexuality on BBC Question Time
That those with close connections to the BBC, should seek to put off-limits the discussion of issues of concern to large numbers of people i
Jules Gomes
Mar 28, 2019
LGBT education in schools aims to destroy families and stop Muslims from multiplying
How can progressives and secularists vanquish Islam without being called Islamophobic? The answer is a form of neo-eugenics through LGBT+ se
Jules Gomes
Mar 12, 2019
Teaching Muslim kids gay sex is like forcing their forefathers to chew pig fat
The gay Titanic has struck the iceberg of Islam. Force-feeding homosexuality to Muslim children will lead to a nationwide revolt as happened
Rod Liddle
Mar 6, 2019
Columnist Rod Liddle interviews the “Rebel Priest” for THE SUNDAY TIMES
Let’s teach our children to conjugate before teaching them to copulate. The government’s Relationship and Sex Education Bill is sexual groom
Jules Gomes
Mar 6, 2019
In David Lammy’s tribal world only gay and abortion activists can be white saviours
David Lammy is soaked in an ugly pre-Christian tribalism. He needs to understand how a brown Saviour from the Middle East inspired white sav